Friday, November 6, 2009

For Your Consideration - Something Old, Something New, Something Borrowed, Something Blew (up)

For Your Consideration is a weekly round-up of upcoming indie limited releases. The idea is to either expose you to or remind you of films that can't afford to plaster their posters on the sides of buildings or accompany your Happy Meal in toy form.

This week conjures up that grand old feeling of deja vu all over again. It's the first week of November and that means we get to be treated to a couple of November film traditions: the family friendly Christmas film and the self-ennobling Oscar bait tearjerker. That means you can choose between watching the Uncanny Valley stage a presentation of A CHRISTMAS CAROL or you can can go warm yourself up with PRECIOUS, a nice serious (read: SERIOUS) film carefully calculated to show that although things can get tough the human spirit will conquer all, dagnabit! If you're burnt out on watching these films go through the same motions that all of their cinematic ancestors have gone through you can watch a humble little film about the military killing the shit out of goats using telekinesis - starring George Clooney. Yes, starring George Clooney and Ewan McGregor and Kevin Spacey and Jeff Bridges and goats.

What: Based on the true stories of the US military attempting to use paranormal abilities in wartime, Bob Wilton (Ewan McGregor) is tipped off by ex-Special Forces operator Lyn Cassady (George Clooney) who claims he can kill goats by simply staring at them. When Bill Django (Jeff Bridges), the leader of this supposed unit, goes missing, Cassady and Wilton set off to find him.

Where: Wide Release

Why: George Clooney kills a goat. with. his. mind.

Everything Else





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